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Shortcuts and Narrow Gates

Shortcuts and Narrow Gates

We bought a house in 2016.  It seems simple enough, and when you look at the photos I share here, it looks beautiful, doesn't it?  

But what you don't see are the hidden shortcuts taken by the previous owners.  Deadly and costly shortcuts.  

 The RV carport in the picture below was the first thing to go - it was the source of all of the dry rot.  Dry rot is a disease to wood, it weakens the wood until the structure is no longer sound.   Shortcuts are not an excellent solution to problems.

Why show this?  Well, because the temperatures are dropping in the Puget Sound and one of the other shortcuts the previous owners took was to install the back door themselves instead of having it done by a professional.  This means when the winter wind blows, and yes, it can blow here in our temperate climate, it comes through the bottom of my door, keeping my kitchen cold and making it difficult to keep the whole house warm.  Shortcuts are expensive to fix.  Whether it is your own shortcut or the shortcut of the previous owner.  Shortcuts may seem easy, it's an easy and simple fix. However, when you take shortcuts, you pay the price later. 

Jesus talked about shortcuts in Matthew 7: 13 and 14.  Jesus tells us, "Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it." (NIV)  But Maureen, you say, Jesus is talking about gates. 

I'm glad you mentioned that gates were the doors to the city in Jesus' day and even earlier.  Gates were meant to protect the cities and towns from a siege, from invading armies that came from enemy countries.  Gates were essential.    But if the town decided to cut corners, it could be very costly, it could cost the city or town the life of those who inhabited it. 

Shortcuts may seem easy, but in the end, the cost can become much higher than we would like to pay.  It's the same with our walk with Christ.  Only Jesus was very clear - there are no shortcuts.  There are no alternative routes to Heaven.  In fact, he said the road that leads to destruction is wide - that means everyone else is also walking that road.  It's fashionable to walk the path that leads to destruction, it looks fun and easy... and it is for a short time.  But the price you pay for following the crowd is pretty huge!  It is eternity separated from God, it is an eternity in Hell. 

Thank You that Your Son, Jesus warned us about shortcuts.  Thank You that he taught and teaches us so much about how to find You and how to seek You each and every day.  Help us to not become lured from the narrow road.  Help us, Lord, to remain on the path that will lead us to You.  
